Visit her own site

 or you can e-mail her at
I visited Lesley here in her studio in Carmel Valley last August after driving up the coast from LA.
Here she is working on one of her current projects and one of my favorite subjects, wolves!

Lesley Harrison is a master of the pastel medium. Consisting of layer upon layer of the chalky pigment, her vibrant work is often mistaken for oils. To achieve the highest degree of realism, Harrison works on velour paper that absorbs the line and color, or sandpaper that shows the most detail.

Harrison is a self taught artist. "So I never learned that the type of paintings I create are supposed to be impossible. When I paint, I just sweat over every detail until the painting is finished .. there is no secret, just lots of hard, painstaking work that most people never see."

She is well known for her equine art as well as for her wildlife achievements, and has been profiled in Equine Images and InformArt magazines. Harrison has completed equine and wildlife commissions for many prominent collectors and in 1988, she received the People's Choice Award from the Kentucky Derby Museum. Harrison is a member of the Pastel Society of the West Coast.

Harrison lives in Carmel Valley, California with her husband, John, their two horses, three cats and two dogs.


This is one of Lesley's latest paintings. It is also now a print.
If you would be interested in one, E-mail her at

and let her know where you saw the print.

"The Old Wolf Remembers"

 This is one of those prints that when you see it you just have to have it. I first saw this print in Wildlife Art as part of an ad for an Exhibition and Sale and at the time I didn't even know if it was available as a print. After a lot of searching I finally found an e-mail address to Lesley. After numerous e-mail messages, a little education on various types of prints and waiting for final approval on the print, I was finally able to order my copy. I now have it and it is one of my most favorite prints.


"Very few artists achieve the technical excellence found in the art of Lesley Harrison. Even fewer capture the spirit, the emotion and the life-like realism for which her work is known and collected. Acknowledged as one of the finest pastel artists in America, her amazing equine and wildlife paintings have brought joy and happiness to animal lovers and art lovers throughout the world. "

The Monterey Herald

"Little Visitor"

"No Dogs Allowed"


"Almost Magic"


"Exuberance" -and -"Beauty and the Sea"

 Interested in a commissioned equine portrait? Contact Lesley and request her brochure on "Capturing the spirit and the glory of your horse"



"Grandma's Treasures"
Lesley does do commission work, for more information, contact her at:



Harrison/Keller Fine Art

Post Office Box 893 Carmel Valley, California 93924 (831) 659-7307

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